The Royal Northern College of Music provides musical training for its students not just in classical music and with students selected main instrument, but will bring in the additional alternative musical styles and providers to give the students an opportunity to learn music from very different traditions and learn in a very different way than they may be used to. Having run several courses for the RNCM students in the past, we were in very familiar territory but on this occasion this workshop was just a one off, with an hour to give those attending an introduction to West African drumming. We find leading workshops with these trained, experienced and often rather talented musicians not only a pleasure as they tend to learn quickly and allow us to teach at a higher level and faster pace, but interesting as we often observe the students capacity for understanding the rhythms in theory outmatches their ability to play them physically and coordinate their hands. For musicians of this capacity and calibre to extend their musical repertoire, in this case rhythm, is a real possibility and with a little spare time and practice and we would encourage many of the RNCM student, particularly the percussionists to further their knowledge of rhythm though the depths and complexity found in West African music. If there is sufficient interest and enthusiasm, we would of course welcome the opportunity to return to the college to deliver course for the students and provide the means to study African rhythms in much greater depth.