Drumroots at the International Event; Co-operatives United

Last week Drumroots were invited by The Co-operative Group to their  Co-operatives United event in Manchester to perform with our Drumroots community djembe group and to facilitate two drop in style African drumming workshops. This was a great opportunity for us to stand long side other global co-operatives and profile the work we do and how proud we are that Drumroots too, is a workers co-operative.

Co-operatives United was an inspiring and fun filled global festival of events and exhibitions to mark the close of the United Nations international year of Co-operatives 2012, which was set in the prestigious and spacious ‘Manchester Central’ convention complex at the heart of the city, formerly known as the G-mex.

Our drumming was just a small part of the many, presentations, activities, workshops and performances that were on offer at this global event; upon arrival we were free to explore the venue and shown our area; the life size Co-operative mock up town, complete with shops, bar, church, and park with a band stand where we were to perform.

For the scheduled performance we were joined, for this special occasion. by two of our most valued and committed workshop members, brothers Francis and Dom Galligan who are accustomed to performing with the Drumroots community band. Also joining us was the incredibly talented Gambian dancer Jokeh of Santa Yalla Arts. We were also encouraged to explore the rest of the venue with pitches and exhibitions of fair trade co-operatives, and how they interact and help people from all around the world.

Not only did our performance offer people the chance to listen to some West African djembe music, but gave them the chance to join in with clapping, singing and even dance as Jokeh literally went around pulling people out of the audience and encouraging them to dance let go and move to the music!

Performances done, we said goodbye to the band and got set up for workshops and after an announcement that we were about to start, we were joined by a full complement of people of all ages and backgrounds for two sessions on an introduction to African drumming and how to play a djembe. All participants joined in enthusiastically and later thanked us and told us that we really made the space come to life.

Big thanks to our community band members, Dom and Francis, to our dancer Jokeh, and to Jenny from the Co-operative group for looking after us.

6 responses

  1. Thanks ever so much for playing at Co-ops United and the Living Expo – the event would not have been the same without drumroots bringing it to life with such an exciting sound. You had lots of positive feedback from staff and passers by and I will not hesitate to contact drumroots again if there’s any future events coming up at The Co-operative! THANKS!!!!! YOU’RE GREAT!

  2. Great to see you at Co-ops United. It was really inspiring to see so many co-operatives coming together to celebrate and what better soundtrack to it all than a drumming workshop with visitors having the chance to join in creating some beats!

  3. I attended the Co-operatives United event, and watched the amazing performance and workshops by Drumroots. They really enegaged with the audience and created a fantastic atmosphere within the Co-operative Living area.

    For those who took part in the workshops, everyone looked like they were having lots of fun! It was great to see people of all ages participating in the drumming and enjoying the West African Music, from 12 months old to 80 years old – it was a totally inclusive and uplifing session! Well done all!

  4. Drumroots really helped bring the Living Exhibtion to life!

    Powerful, exciting and engaging the performances and workshops really captured the escense of this celebration of the co-operative movement!

  5. Big thanks to Drumroots for helping us reveal The Co-operative’s Charity of the Year Partner in style at Co-operatives United! From 2013, we will be working with Carers Trust, specifically focussing on supporting young adult carers aged 14-25.
    Drumroots certainly helped us to generate excitement around this announcement, which we have estimated attracted some 200 people. It was also lovely to have the opportunity to work another co-operative organisation. Thanks Drumroots!

  6. Drumroots were fantastic: lots of energy, an abundance of talent and flexible about timings. You were a great draw to the launch event for our partnership with Carers Trust. (And I was one of those grabbed by Jokeh to dance!)

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