Last month the Drumroots team enjoyed a series of workshops with the patients of the mental health department of the Hollins Park Hospital. The Therapeutic Activities Team of the 5 Boroughs Partnership called us in to deliver our drumming workshops with the patients and to prepare them for a summer performance event at the end of the short course.
Over the sessions there was a gradual positive improvement in both the interest and skills gains by the workshop participants and as word got round the ward, more and more patients came to join in the sessions. By the time we reached the date for the end event the African drumming had become a popular activity.
For the end summer performance event we were blessed by the weather and so uncharacteristically of an English summer event, we were able to run the event outdoors! A great number of patients, staff from other wards and NHS bosses joined us for the event as we enjoyed a fantastic sunny drum circle.
Big thanks to the staff at Hollins Park Hospital, the patients who joined in the workshops and to all who came along to the summer performance event.
8 responses
Drumroots were amazing! Jamie and John graded the workshops perfectly for the patients and the Rosa Parks Celebration was a complete sucess due to their enthusiasm and passion for what they do. All of the staff and patients that attended had a brilliant time and there has been a high demand for their return since the event! Thank you!!!
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to all the excitment and drums during the workshops at Hollins Park and for the Summer celebration. The activity was a huge success and hopefully we will be lucky enough to work with Drumroots again in the future!
Absolutely Brilliant!!!!!! Thank you for coming, i really enjoyed the day.
i really enjoyed the drummers and drumming, it was very entertaining and made me feel very happy, i would love to see them again in the near future!
Thanks so much for coming and sharing the day with us we all had a fantastic time and hope to see you soon!!
An excellent day for all involved, and the team were very engaged with the patients and staff, looking forward to arranging future sessions.
I heard the drums from my office. just listening doesnt give full justice to the experience, both as a spectacle and an involvement.
This should be repeated across many of our services and also what a stress buster… beating drums!!!
can’t wait for you to come back! fingers crossed you will. the best day i have had 🙂